Themed Stories

The videos

During the interviews people shared their experience of life in lockdown.

There were themes of isolation and mental health challenges and also support, friendship and creative ways of coping.

Click on any video to see a larger version.

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Covid Stories about Learning New Things

Some people used lockdown to learn new skills like cooking or film editing

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Covid Stories about What Helped

Lots of things helped get people through Covid, like chatting on the phone or going for walks

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Covid Stories about Feelings

Everyone had different feelings during Covid, find out how we felt.

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Covid Stories about Ground Hog Day

Every day felt the same during lockdown. It was repetitive and boring for many.

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Covid Stories about Getting Online

Zoom was a lifeline for some, but for others there wasn’t enough support to get online

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Covid Stories about Going Out Again

When lockdown ended people had mixed feeling about going out again

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Covid Stories that Took Our Breath Away

There were some stories that simply took our breath away.

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Covid Stories about Loneliness

Lots of people felt lonely and isolated during lockdown

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Covid Stories about Resilience

People came up with lots of ways to cope during Covid

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Covid Stories about Hospital

Going into hospital, or having a loved-one in hospital was confusing and scary