
For over 30 years Brighton and Hove Speak Out has been supporting people with learning disabilities to speak up about the things that matter to them, to access their rights and have choice and control over their lives.

As a charity, working alongside the people we support, we’ve made a lot of progress, but we still hear first-hand about the challenges people face and how many continue to be marginalised and ignored. People with learning disabilities are particularly vulnerable to loneliness and isolation. Many individuals still face discrimination in different areas of their lives. Our work gives a voice to some of the most marginalised members of the community, enabling them to express their needs, deal with problems they are facing, access essential services and uphold their rights.

We work hard to address the inequality, lack of understanding and lack of support people with learning disabilities face.  For some people Speak Out is their only support network. For others Speak Out provides support at a time of crisis.

We want to support everyone who needs us, but we need your help to do this.

How to donate

You can donate through our Just Giving pages

Alternatively text SPEAKOUT, followed by £3, £10 or £20 to 70085 (For example, SPEAKOUT£10 to 70085)

Where your money goes

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