Thank you to St George’s Church, Brighton

Bernie Collecting Cheque

St.George’s Church has kindly donated £400 towards the running costs of the Speak Out East Drop In. Speak Out East takes place every Thursday morning, from 11am to 1pm at St.George’s Church Café in Kemp Town. It’s free for local people with learning disabilities to join in. People chat over a cuppa and biscuits about … Read more

Thank you to our amazing runners!

Group before

Thank you and well done to our amazing BM10K and Brighton Marathon runners! Brighton Marathon and the Brighton 10k, both took place on the 9th April 2017, with our runners raising much-needed funds for our work. Roger ran the Brighton 10k to raise money for Speak Out and in memory of our loved colleague and friend, … Read more

Sarah’s tribute to Ingrid


  I knew Ingrid for a long time through Speak Out. We worked together on how to make accessible training good and how to make it better. One time I was writing on the board, writing down what people in the training group said. I liked doing that because it helped me to understand them and helped with … Read more

Speak Out’s AGM and Annual Celebration


Speak Out’s AGM took place at the Komedia in Brighton at the end of February. It was a very lively night of presentations, good food and dancing. Everyone standing to be a Speak Out trustee was voted onto the board. We heard about some of the fantastic work that has happened over the past year … Read more

Specs for Speak Out Christmas Appeal 2016

Sim Specs

Many thanks to everyone that donated to Specs for Speak Out – our first ever Christmas appeal. We raised £812 which will fund nearly 3 months of our vital Drop-In service in the city, where people with a learning disability can see an advocate for one to one support with an issue or to get … Read more

Learning Disability Voices Network Win At Brighton Soup

Rohan and Chloe with the winners cheque

Congratulations to members of the Learning Disability Voices Network who pitched their idea to make a film at Brighton Soup on Friday 2nd December.  Rohan told the packed room about the new project and an idea they have to make a film to raise awareness about the lives of people with learning disabilities.  Everyone mingled … Read more

Burning Questions/ Honest Answers

Brighton hustings

Ask your local Councillors a question On Friday 18th Novemeber we are working with Grace Eyre and St John’s College to organise a question time style event. Local people with learning disabilities will meet with local Councillors and ask them about important issues. We will be meeting 1.00 – 2.30. I you are local and … Read more

Tribute to Ingrid Ashberry


We would like to pay tribute to our colleague Ingrid Ashberry, who sadly passed away on Monday 26th September. Ingrid will be deeply missed by all, especially staff and service users with whom she worked closely alongside for over 10 years at Speak Out. Ingrid leaves an important legacy as she worked with great skill, compassion and commitment to protecting the rights … Read more

Summer Fayre of Awareness


An event highlighting some of the good community work locally and internationally On the 4th September, members of The Learning Disability Voices Network attended a really great new event hosted and organised by Jimmy Thomson.  The aim of the day was for people to share and learn news about local and international community projects.  It … Read more

The BHIG group visit the Liberal Democrat Party Conference

High tea with the liberal democrats

This week has seen The Liberal Democrat autumn conference visit Brighton and Hove. The BHIG group always want to find out about what the different political Partices stand for and were invited to some of the fringe events as the guests of the local Party. Michael Wilbur and Paul Chandler from Brighton and Hove Liberal … Read more