Speak Out East Drop-In

Gill Williams, councillor in East Brighton, came to Speak Out East last Thursday. We talked about housing issues.  Gill will include our views when she writes her report for the council. She enjoyed meeting everyone and will be coming again.   Please join us on Thursdays between 11am – 1pm at St.George’s Church Cafe. Make … Read more

Funding from the Vegware UK Community Fund

from everyone at Speak Out (2)

Over the past couple of years, through the numerous lockdowns and with everyone being at home, we noticed how important art was in letting people express their feelings in a time of crisis.

Fulfilling Lives – Information on Child Protection and Care Proceedings

from everyone at Speak Out (3)

Fulfilling Lives have produces a leaflet and a video for women experiencing the removal of their children into care. Please take a look at the information below and the Fulfilling Lives website, which provides intensive and tailored support to people with multiple and complex needs, helping the most vulnerable and hard to reach. Fulfilling Lives … Read more

Funding from the Boshier-Hinton Foundation

from everyone at Speak Out (1)

Speak Out has been kindly awarded funding to help support our new mothers with learning disabilities group from the Boshier-Hinton Foundation. We are very grateful for this kind donation as this group offers a confidential, safe and supportive space for mothers to come together and share their experiences. With a user-led, flexible and creative focus, … Read more

Funding from the Barchester’s Charitable Foundation

Our Impact Report 2019 – 2020 (4)

Speak Out has been kindly awarded funding to help support our drop-in sessions from the Barchester’s Charitable Foundation. The grant will be spent on art materials and creative art supplies, as well as providing refreshments to those who attend the drop-in sessions. It will also help pay for publicity and marketing of the drop-ins as … Read more

Speak Out’s AGM

Our Impact Report 2019 – 2020 (3)

Speak Out’s 2022 AGM We are having our AGM on Monday 28th February at 3pm and it will be held online. Monday 28th February 3pm Online The AGM is open to our members so if you wish to attend please get in touch with Sarah [email protected] or ring 01273 421 921 for more details.  

Have Your Say About Your Support

Our Impact Report 2019 – 2020

Speak Out is listening to what people with learning disabilities have to say about the support they get. Maybe you would like to tell us about how things are for you? You can download and fill in our Support Survey or you can contact Emma [email protected] or ring 01273 421 921.

Drop-In Facilitator Volunteers Needed

Our Impact Report 2019 – 2020 (1)

Brighton and Hove Speak Out are on the search for three fantastic volunteers to help out during our drop-in sessions which take part across the city. Take a look at the volunteer role description and if you think the role is for you, please contact Sarah: [email protected] or ring 01273 421921 for a chat. Volunteer … Read more

Local Organisations Working Together

Our Impact Report 2019 – 2020

Speak Out East and The Trust for Developing Communities (TDC) are working together. 👍 TDC help link residents with local community groups and activities. Sara from TDC joined Speak Out East last Thursday where she shared information about local arts groups. Speak Out East members are now being supported to join these local groups if … Read more