Our History: 2017

Film - Shannon talks about disability awareness training and promoting the Thumbs up scheme
Hannah talks about BHIG group

2 new films are made about Speak Out and the experience of people with learning disabilities


In 2017 the following events took place


The Being Heard in Government (BHIG) group campaigns during the General Election for democratic rights for people with learning disabilities


8 self-advocacy groups are now supported, some themed – young people older peoples group, and new LGBTQ group


The Thumbs Up campaign is renewed and Thumbs up for Health services developed


Events – Disability Pride, Sponsored walk, Advocacy Partnership conference, AGM at the Komedia, Open house exhibition.

some of our favourite pictures from 2017

Other years

Everyone who appears in photos on this website has at some point given consent for their photo to be used. If you have changed your mind, or do not like a photo of you that appears here, do let us know and we will take it down.

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